thermodynamics questions for gate



Here may be a list of Top MCQ of Applied Thermodynamics Objective Type Questions And Answers provided for the AKTU and ALL OTHER UNIVERSITIES EXAMINATIONS. All the MCQ questions are most vital for AKTU especially. These sort of Objective questions are going to be asked in Diploma and Degree Internal Examinations.

1. According to Gay-Lussac's law regarding perfect gases, the absolute pressure of a given mass changes directly as follows.


(B) Absolute temperature when the volume
e is kept constant

(C) Volume when the temperature is kept constant

(D) None of these


2. Ideal gas occupies compared to very high-pressure real gas

(A) More volume

(B) Volume is low

(C) Same volume

(D) Unpredictable behavior


3. Open cycle gas turbine plant

(A) A direct combustion system is used

(B) Use a condenser

(C) Indirect heat exchangers and coolers can be avoided

(D) All of the above


4.1 Joules (J) are equal to

(A) 1 kN-m

(B) 1 N-m

(C) 10 kN-m / s

(D) 10 N-m / s


5. The general gas equation is

(A) PV = nRT

(B) PV = mRT

(C) PV = C

(D) PV = KiRT


6. Kinetic theory of gas is that collisions between molecules

(A) Completely elastic

(B) Completely inelastic

(C) Partially elastic

(D) Partially inelastic


7. The gas pressure concerning the average kinetic energy "E" per unit volume is as follows.

(A) E / 3

(B) E / 2

(C) 3E / 4

(D) 2E / 3


8. The kinetic energy of a molecule concerning absolute temperature (T) is proportional to.


(B) J

(C) J²

(D) Vr


9. The efficiency of the joule cycle is as follows:

(A) Less than Carnot cycle

(B) Equal to the Carnot cycle

(C) Larger than the Carnot cycle

(D) None of these


10. The state of matter that has completed evaporation from the liquid state is known as follows.

(A) Perfect gas

(B) Steam

(C) Steam

(D) Air


11.” The internal energy of the gas is a function of temperature” Which law states that?

(A) Charles' law

(B) Joule's law

(C) Boyle's law

(D) There is no such law


12. The same volume of all gases represent theirs?

(A) Density

(B) Relative density

(C) Molecular weight

(D) Gas characteristic constant


13.” The specific heat of a gas is constant at all temperatures and pressures” Which law states that?

(A) Charles' law

(B) Joule's law

(C) Legno's Law

(D) Boyle's law


14. What is an open system?

(A) Mass does not cross system boundaries, but energy does.

(B) Neither mass nor energy crosses system boundaries

(C) Both energy and mass cross system boundaries

(D) Mass crosses boundaries but not energy


15. The hyperbolic process is dominated by

(A) Avogadro's Law

(B) Boyle's law

(C) Charles' law

(D) Gay-Lussac's Law


16. Which of the following is not subsequent quantities is the property of the system?

(A) Pressure

(B) Temperature

(C) Specific volume

(D) Heat


17. The sum of the merchandise of internal energy (U), pressure, and volume (p.v) is understood as follows.

(A) Completed work

(B) Entropy

(C) Power

(D) Enthalpy


18. Which of the subsequent gases has the littlest molecular weight?

(A) Nitrogen

(B) Hydrogen

(C) Methane

(D) Oxygen


19. consistent with Avogadro's law, for a given pressure and temperature, each molecule of gas

(A) Occupy an equivalent volume

(B) Occupies a volume proportional to the precise gravity

(C) Occupies volume in inverse proportion to relative molecular mass

(D) Occupies the quantity in inverse proportion to the precise gravity


20. The mixture of ice and water

(A) Closed system

(B) Open system

(C) Separation system

(D) Heterogeneous system


21. The entropy of water at 6.0 ° C is assumed as follows:

(A) 0

(B) -1

(C) 1

(D) 2


22. The compression index "n" tends to succeed in the precise heat ratio "y" within the following cases:

(A) The flow is uniform and stable

(B) the method is isentropic

(C) the method is isothermal

(D) the method is isentropic and therefore the heat doesn't change with temperature


23. The change in system enthalpy is that the heat supplied by.

(A) Constant pressure

(B) Constant temperature

(C) Fixed amount

(D) Constant entropy


24. Means the term N.T.P.

(A) Nominal temperature and pressure

(B) Natural temperature and pressure

(C) Normal temperature and pressure

(D) Normal thermodynamic practice


25. the warmth exchange process, during which the merchandise of pressure and volume remains constant, is understood as follows.

(A) Heat exchange process

(B) Throttle process

(C) Isentropic process

(D) Hyperbolic process


26. The universal gas constant is defined as adequate to the merchandise of the relative molecular mass of the gas and therefore the relative molecular mass of the gas.

(A) heat at constant pressure

(B) heat at a continuing volume

(C) Ratio of two specific heats

(D) universal gas constant


27. A cycle consisting of 1 constant pressure, one constant volume, and two isentropic processes are understood as follows.

(A) Otto cycle

(B) Stirling cycle

(C) Carnot cycle

(D) Diesel cycle


28. Which of the subsequent processes causes heat removal within the Carnot cycle?

(A) Isothermal expansion

(B) Isentropic development

(C) Isothermal compression

(D) Isentropic compression


29. the worth of the merchandise of the relative molecular mass of all gases within the S.I. unit system and therefore the gas characteristic constants is as follows.

(A) 29.27 J / k mol ° K

(B) 83.14 J / k mol ° K

(C) 848 J / k mol ° K

(D) 735 J / k mol ° K


30. Which of the subsequent substances has internal energy and enthalpy as a function of temperature only?

(A) Any gas

(B) Saturated steam

(C) Water

(D) ideal gas



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