Basic Radiation Concept


In physics, radiation is the propagation or distribution of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or a material medium. This includes:

• electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma (γ) radiation

• gravitational radiation, gravitational wave radiation, or ripples in curvature during space

Radiation is often classified as ionizing or non-ionizing depending on the energy of the radiation grains. Ionizing radiation carries more than 10 eV, which is enough to ionize atoms and molecules and break down chemical bonds. This is an important difference due to the large difference in damage to living organisms. Other sources include X-rays from medical radiography studies and muons, mesons, positrons, neutrons, and other particles that make up the secondary cosmic rays emitted after ray's primary cosmic interaction with Earth's atmosphere.

Gamma rays, X-rays, and the higher energy range of ultraviolet light make up an ionizing part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The word "ionize" refers to the breakdown of one or more electrons from an atom, an action that requires the relatively high energy provided by these electromagnetic waves. Further down the spectrum, non-ionizing energy cannot ionize the lower ultraviolet spectrum of atoms, but can disrupt the interatomic bonds that form molecules, thus breaking down molecules rather than Andaman; a good example of this is sunburn caused by the long-wave ultraviolet sun. Wavelengths beyond UV in visible light, infrared frequency, and a microwave can not break bands but can vibrate in the bands that are felt as heat. Radio waves and below are not seen as harming biological systems. These are not sharp marks of the energies; there is some variation in the effects of specific frequencies. 

The word radiation arises from the phenomenon of waves radiating (i.e., traveling in all directions) from a source. This aspect leads to a system of measurement and physical units that are relevant to all types of radiation. Because that radiation expands as it passes through space, and because its energy is stored (in a vacuum), the intensity of each type of radiation from a point source follows the law of square or in terms of distance from its source. As with any applicable law, the non-quadratic law estimates the intensity of measured radiation to the extent that the source is close to a geometric point.

Ionizing radiation:

Radiation with a high enough energy can ionize atoms; that is to say, it can remove electricity from atoms, creating ions. Ionization occurs when an electron is removed (or "extracted") from the electron shell of the atom, leaving the atom at a net positive charge. Because living cells and, more importantly, the DNA in these cells can be damaged by this ionization, it is thought that exposure to ionizing radiation increases the risk of cancer. Thus “ionizing radiation” is artistically separated from particulate radiation and electromagnetic radiation, simply because of its great potential for biological damage. While individual cells are made up of trillions of atoms, only a small fraction of these are ionized at moderately low radiation powers. The likelihood of ionizing radiation causing cancer depends on the dose of radiation absorbed and is an action of the destructive bias of the type of radiation (equal dose) and the sensitivity of the radiation. irradiating organics or cloth (effective dose).

If the source of the ionizing radiation is a radioactive material or a nuclear process such as fission or fusion, particle radiation is to be considered. Granular radiation in subatomic grains is accelerated to relative distances by nuclear reactions. Because of their momentum, they are very capable of dissipating electricity and ionizing materials, but because most have the cost of electricity, they do not have the pressure of ionizing radiation. The same is true of neutron grains; see below. There are several different types of these grains, but most of them are alpha grains, beta grains, neutrons, and protons. Granular radiation from radioactive material or cosmic rays almost invariably carries enough energy for ionizing.

Most ionizing radiation comes from radioactive materials and space (cosmic rays), so it is naturally present in the environment, as small concentrations of radioactive materials are in the air. mostly rocks and soil. Because this radiation is invisible and cannot be directly identified by human consciousness, instruments such as Geiger counters are usually needed to detect its presence. In some cases, it may lead to a secondary scattering of visible light interacted with matter, as in Cherenkov radiation and radi-luminescence.

Ultraviolet radiation

Main article: Ultraviolet

Ultraviolet, waves from 10 nm to 125 nm, ionizes air molecules, causing them to be strongly trapped by air and in particular ozone (O3). An ozone-containing zone of about 98% UV-C and UV-B is non-ionizing but dangerous. The so-called ozone layer starts at about 20 miles (32 km) and extends upwards. Some of the ultraviolet spectrum reaching the earth is non-ionizing, but it remains biologically dangerous due to the ability of single photons of this energy to cause electrical excitation in biological molecules, thus destroying them by re-ionizing. -Unswanted comments. An example is a formation of pyrimidine dimers in DNA, which start at waves lower than 365 nm (3.4 eV), which is much lower than the ionization energy.


Main article: X-ray

 When an X-ray photon hits an atom, the atom can absorb the energy of the photon. and stimulate an electron to a higher orbital level or if the photon is very active, it can completely remove an electron from the atom, causing the atom to ionize. In general, larger atoms are more likely to absorb X-photons because they have larger energy differences between orbital electrons. The soft tissue in the human body is made up of atoms smaller than the calcium atoms that make up bone, so there is a difference in the inclusion of X-rays. X-ray machines are specifically designed to take advantage of the difference in inclusion between bone and soft tissue, allowing doctors to study a structure in the human body.

Gamma radiation:

Gamma rays can be stopped by a thick or thick coating of a material, where the stopping power of the material for each specific location depends largely (but not entirely) However, as with X-rays, high-atomic matter such as lead or depleted uranium emits a small amount (typically 20% to 30%) of stopping energy over an equal mass of atomic weight materials. less dense and lower (such as water or concrete). The sensation encompasses all gamma rays approaching Earth from space. Even air is able to absorb gamma rays, reducing the energy of these waves by passing through, on average, 500 ft (150 m).

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