Black Body Radiation

 Black body radiation

 It has a specific spectrum of waves, surprisingly related to an intensity that depends solely on body temperature, which is accepted due to calculations and the theory of uniformity and stability.

The independently emitted thermal radiation by many normal objects can be measured as black body radiation. A well-insulated enclosure that has an internal thermal balance has black body radiation and will propagate through a hole made in its wall, as long as the hole is small enough for impact. take very little of the balance.

In a dark room, a black body at room temperature appears black because most of the energy it radiates is in the infrared spectrum and cannot be seen by the human eye. Because the human eye cannot see waves of light below the visible frequency, a black body at the lowest visible temperature appears gray, even though its physical peak is in the infrared range. In fact, the human eye does not see color at low light levels. When it gets a little warmer, it looks red. As its temperature progresses it becomes bright red, orange, yellow, white, and eventually blue-white.



Black body radiation has a continuous, continuous frequency spectrum that is dependent solely on body temperature, [10] known as the Planck spectrum or Planck’s law. The spectrum is at a certain frequency that moves to higher frequencies with increasing temperature, and at room temperature, the majority of emissions are in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. [11] [12] [13] As temperatures rise by around 500 degrees Celsius, black bodies begin to emit a lot of visible light. Observed in the dark by the human eye, the first glare appears as a "ghostly" gray (the visible light is red, but low-intensity light activates only the gray-level sensors of the eye). With temperatures rising, the glaze becomes visible even when there is some background around light: first as dark red, then yellow, and finally as “dazzling bluish-white” as the temperature rises. [14] [15] When the white body appears, it emits a large amount of its energy as ultraviolet radiation. The Sun, with an effective temperature of about 5800 K, [16] is an approximate black body with a scattering spectrum reached in the middle, yellow-green of the visible spectrum, but with great power, in the ultraviolet, as we see it.

Black body

Main article: Black body

The radiation represents the body's internal energy conversion into electromagnetic energy, hence the name thermal radiation. It is an energetic process of entropy radiation circulation.

There is no visible radiation for a black body (perfect absorber), so the spectral radiance is entirely due to scattering.

Further explanation,

According to the Classical Theory of Radiation, if all Fourier modes of symmetrical radiation (in an otherwise hollow cavity with highly reflective walls) are considered a degree of freedom capable of exchange energy, then, according to classical physics equipartition theorem, each mode would have the same amount of energy. Given the infinite number of modes, this would mean an infinite heat capacity, as well as a non-physical spectrum of diffuse radiation that grows unrelated to an increasing frequency, a problem with the called the ultraviolet disaster.

In the longer waves, this movement is less pronounced and is very small. In the shortest wavelengths of the ultraviolet range, classical theory predicts that the emitted energy tends to be in-depth, hence the ultraviolet crash. The theory even predicted that all groups would emit most of their energy in the ultraviolet range, in stark contrast to the experimental data that showed an inter- difference at different temperatures (see also Vienna law).

Planck's black body radiation law:

For a black body surface, the spectral radiance density (defined per unit area of ​​normalization for propagation) is independent of the angle of emission relative to normal. However, this means that, following Lambert's cosine law, the radiance density per unit area of ​​a dispersion surface because the surface area involved in generating the radiance is increased by an area-related factor. which is normal for the multiplication instruction. At right angles, the involved solid angle races become smaller, resulting in lower assembly intensity.

Vienna law of motion:

Main article: Wien's law of motion

Wien's law of motion shows how the radiation spectrum of a black body at any temperature is related to the spectrum at any other temperature. If we know the shape of the spectrum at one temperature, we can work out the shape at any other temperature. Spectral intensity can be expressed as wavelength action or frequency.


Distribution of human body,

There are other important thermal loss techniques, including convection and evaporation. Behavior is very small - the Nusselt number is much more than unity. Heating must be maintained if radiation and convection are not sufficient to maintain a stable temperature (but evacuation from the lungs does occur). Free convection rates are comparatively, albeit slightly lower than radiation levels. [43] Thus, radiation still accounts for about two-thirds of thermal energy loss in cool air. Given the speculative nature of many of the assumptions, this can only be taken as a rough estimate. The movement of ambient air, causing forced convection, or evaporation reduces the importance of radiation as a means of thermal loss.

Temperature relationship between a planet and its star

The black body law can be used to estimate the temperature of a planet orbiting the sun.

Planet temperature depends on a number of factors:

• Event radiation from its star

• Radiation scattered on the planet, e.g., the Earth’s infrared cry

• The albedo effect causes a fraction of light to be visible to the planet

• The greenhouse effect for atmospheric planets

• Energy generated within a planet itself as a result of radioactive decay, tidal warming, and adiabatic aberration due to cooling.


The microwave cosmic background radiation seen today is the most perfect black body radiation ever seen in nature, with a temperature of around 2.7 K. [55] It is a “snapshot” of the radiation at the time of separation between matter and early radiation in the universe. 

According to Kondepudi and Prigogine, at very high temperatures (above 1010 K; that temperature existed in the universe very early), where the thermal movement separates proteins and neutrons despite. These particles are part of the spectrum of the black body, as well as electromagnetic radiation.

thank, guys

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