Thermal Boundary Series

Thermal Boundary Series

The moving particles that come in contact with the plate reach thermal equilibrium with the surface of the plate and assume the same surface temperature Ts. These moving particles then exchange energy with the grains at the adjacent stage. As a result, temperature imaging improves in the flow range from Ts to T∞ (free flow temperature). The overflow surface area in which the temperature change is in the normal direction to the surface is the thermal boundary level.

The thickness of the thermal boundary layer δt anywhere on the surface is defined as the distance from the surface at which the temperature difference T - Ts = 0.99 (T∞ - Ts). The thickness of the thermal boundary layer increases in the flow direction, as the effect of heat transfer, is felt at longer distances from the surface further downstream.

At any distance x from the highest edge, the local surface heat flux is obtained by applying Fourier's law to the flux at y = 0. The expression below for measuring surface heat flux is appropriate, for, at the surface, there is no liquid the movement and movement of energy occur directly by conduction. where qs was used for surface heating.

The thickness of the hydrodynamic boundary level (speed limit phase) is usually defined as the distance from the solid body which has a slow flow velocity of 99% of the free flow velocity. If the Prandtl (Pr) number is 1, the two boundary layers (hydrodynamic and thermal) are the same thickness. If the Pr> 1, the thermal limit level is thinner than the distance limit. If the Pr <1, ​​which is true for air at normal conditions, the thermal limit level is thicker than the speed limit.

Thick thermal finish cover:

From a scale study-

In this case, the thickness δt relative to the thickness of the hydrodynamic boundary layer (δ) is measured at the same L. The distance outside the hydrodynamic boundary layer and within the thermal boundary phase U ∞. From the continuity of eq., The scale of v is in the same region v∼U∞δ / L. <1. The second term, (v ΔT) / δT, so δ / δT is times less than the first, (u ΔT) / L, and the left is entire of an energy equation boundary cover under the control of the U∞ΔT / L scale. With aggregation and conduction, there is an equilibrium from the energy equation (U∞ΔT) / L∼ (α ΔT) / δT2,

  The interesting fact is that the relative magnitudes of δT and δ depend on the Prandtl number Pr = ν / α.

 The hypothesis δ / δt <<< 1 is only valid when Pr1 / 2 << 1.

The thermal limit is much thicker for molten metals and much thinner for wool compared to the speed limit. Heat dissipates rapidly in molten metals (Pr << 1) and slowly in wool (Pr >> 1) compared to heat. The numbers of Prandtl stems are around 1, indicating that both momentum and heat are dissipating through the current at the same rate.

Creating a Boundary Series:

When a stream flows, over a surface, whether the flow is laminar or turbulent, the moving particles adjacent to the hard surface will always adhere to it and the speed at the hard surface will be zero, due to the slowness of the stream. . The shear action of a single layer crossing the adjacent layer moving at the fastest rate would result in a gradient of speed in a direction normal to the flow.

Let us consider the two-dimensional flow of a true stream about a solid (narrow in cross-section) as shown in Figs. 2.2. Detailed studies have shown that the velocity of the grains at the surface of the solid is zero. The shift from zero speed at the surface of the solid to the speed of free flow at a distance away from the hard surface in the V direction.

This flow range may be therefore divided into only two categories:


(i) In this thin region, even a very small risk Viscosity of the liquid has a large effect, and the sheer pressure  du / day can take large values. 


(ii) In the remaining region, gradient levels are less pronounced and viscosity effects are not significant. The flow can be considered useless and inefficient.

Thermal Boundary Series:

Since convection heat transfer involves the movement of moving particles, we need to shift the temperature range to the physical movement of a liquid and the two fields are related to interaction. It is intuitively apparent that the temperature circulation around a hot body in flowing currents will have the same character as the speed distribution in boundary cover flow. When a heating solid body is placed in a flowing stream, the temperature of the fluid flow also changes within a thin layer Near the solid body. The difference in fluid flow temperature also occurs in a thin layer in the vicinity of the body and is called ‘thermal boundary cover’. Fig. Shows the temperature profiles inside a thermal boundary cover.

Hydrodynamic Boundary Series: 

One of the most important concepts in understanding the flow of currents in the development of boundary cover. For simplicity, we are going to study the flow of a boundary cover over a flat plate without curvature or external pressure difference.


 Thick boundary cover (d): defined as the distance from the surface where the local distance reaches 99% of the free-flow distance, i.e. u (y = d) = 0.99U.

Some explanations are easy to understand but irregular.

 Boundary cover is usually very thin:  / x usually << 1.

 As we have seen before, the hydrodynamic boundary level is an area of ​​flowing current, close to a solid surface, where the flow patterns directly affect the slow pull from the current.

Surface Wall.:

- 0 <u <U, 0 <y <

- The Thermal Boundary Form is an area of ​​the flow stream, close to a hard surface, where heating or cooling from the surface wall directly affects the temperature of the stream.

- 0 <t <T, 0 <y <t

- Both boundary layers can be expected to have the same characteristics but do not usually occur at the same time. Melting metals tend to carry heat from the wall easily and

temperature changes are monitored well outside the dynamic range. Other materials tend to show speed changes well outside the thermal level.

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